Florida Realtors: Prepare for Hurricane Season!

Published | Posted by Juan Mestre

Hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts until Nov. 30!. Remember that for the next six months, Floridians face the possibility of major catastrophic storms.

“With hurricane season about to begin, now’s the time to prepare your family and your home,” says 2022 Florida Realtors® President Christina Pappas, vice president of the Keyes Family of Companies in Miami. “Create an emergency plan for your family and pets, prepare an emergency supply kit with first aid, healthy meals and water, identify locations of special needs shelters and take note of evacuation routes.”

An emergency supply kit should include healthy, nonperishable foods and supplies that meet a family’s and pet’s health and medical needs. Under a federally declared emergency, residents can get an extra 30-day prescription supply with no price increase, even for recently filled prescriptions. Talk with a health care provider and pharmacist about emergency medication supplies.

Remember you have to make your emergency kit adjusted to your family needs.

Some other items to include in an emergency supply kit

Water – at least one gallon per person, per day, for a minimum of three days.

Healthy foods like canned vegetables, fruits and nuts. Store at least a three-day supply of foods that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking, and little or no water.

Prescription medications and equipment/supplies like syringes, alcohol wipes, etc.

Manual can opener

Pet food, medication and supplies

Flashlight and extra batteries

Battery-powered or hand crank radio, extra batteries

Whistle to signal for help

First-aid kit

Glasses, hearing aids and medical devices, along with extra batteries if required

Cell phone with mobile chargers, car inverter or solar charger

Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

Dust masks to help filter contaminated air; plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place; and moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation... More


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